I did not realise that I had the courage in ME to take the first step to put my foot on the bed of burning embers, glowing red with temperatures up to 2000 degrees... the unknown, what would it feel like? would it hurt? would my feet melt? I had NO IDEA what it was going to be like, but i still managed to take that first step into the unknown, the RISK of getting seriously hurt... Fear of the unknown, but strangely, I was not scared, but I was anxious.
For the whole of the afternoon, with Tony Robbins... we had been experiencing & learning how easy it is to SWITCH the way you feel, in a just heartbeat, to dance with your fear. I know now, that after experiencing the firewalk, I can do anything... ANYTHING!!! I feel SO empowered, I know how to get my energy working for me to move forwards in my life.
So there we where, 5000 people all walking along inside the London Ecxel .. all barefooted shouting YES YES YES and throwing are fists into the air, the energy was indescribably powerful, it was ELECTRIC, as we got outside, and down the steps, still chanting YES YES YES ~ OMG THERE IS THE FIRE!!! We could smell, we could see it... 30 strips of red hot burning embers F**K!! (sorry i dont normally swear but Tony Robbins said it was ok lol)
The drums where beating, the crowds where clapping now, along with the beat, I was so excited, it was euphoric, I wanted to cry, my tummy was doing somersualts in an excited way, this must be what Tony means by 'Dance With Your Fear' It was awesome ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY it was indescribable, then all of a sudden IT WAS MY TURN Arrrgggghh, but i just walked straight forward, eyes up, deep breath, GO.... i put my bare foot on the firewalk, shouting out COOL MOSS COOL MOSS COOL MOSS as I took each step, before I knew it, my feet where being hosed down & I was at the other end of the firewalk I DID IT ~ I DID IT ~ I FREAKIN DID IT!!! CELEBRATE ~ YAYYYYY WOOOO HOOOO.. And my feet did not burn. And this is purely mind over matter.
If I can do this, I can do anything!!
This is the song that get me into 'state' in heartbeat...
Love this account of the firewalk! I loved dancing my way to the embers to the tribal music they played. You really can do anything, you freakin rock!
ReplyDeleteWasn't it just awesome Michelle.. I was at a conference last weekend and someone asked me to describe what it was like, and I actually acted it out, at the end I was so 'in state' it was amazing, the feeling came right back in a flash... try it! :)