Saturday 26 July 2014

Anyone can join my team... its amazing! Ask me how!

Sunday 13 July 2014

The Truth About Coconuts!

Top 10 Health Benefits of Coconuts
  1. Supports immune system health: it is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasite
  2. Provides a natural source of quick energy and enhances physical and athletic performance
  3. Improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals
  4. Improves insulin secretion and symptoms associated with diabetes
  5. Helps protect the body from cancers due to insulin reduction, removal of free radicals that cause premature aging and degenerative disease
  6. Reduces risk of heart health and improves good cholesterol (HDL)
  7. Restores and supports thyroid function
  8. Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infection
  9. Promotes weight loss
  10. Helps keep hair and skin healthy and youthful looking, prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, and provides sun protection

Saturday 10 May 2014

Prevention of Illness & Disease is a Lifestyle Choice ~ My Story

Why 'PREVENTION' of illness is important to me. On the pic you can see my mum & dad, me & my brother. When I was 12 years old, my mum got breast cancer, 6 month later my dad got stomach cancer, my mum survived but my dad died when I was just 13, he was 41 years old. I was told because of family history I had a '1 in 3' chance of getting breast cancer, and then after genetic testing they said I had a '1 in 2' chance of getting bowel cancer. I do not believe this any more!! I want to make sure I am around for much longer for my family, Juice Plus fuels my body with nutrition so I am much less likely to develop dis-ease, my cells are healthy, I trust juice plus more than i trust the doctors a follow on to all of this, I found a lump and had a mammogram & a biopsy, it turned out to be a cyst but the biopsy caused the puss to leak into my system & i got septicaemia, was really poorly, and they found 3 other small lumps which I had removed, all benign, and then had polyps removed from my bowel.... but all that is history now, im fighting fit & hoping my story will help others,
I didnt know about Juice Plus at this time, maybe if I had I would'nt have got so ill, I actually had a 'near death experience' I can remember that all the pain went away completely, (all my organs were poisoned with the septicaemia) i felt like i was floating on a fluffy cloud, it was the most serene experience I have ever had, i was 'floating away' and if someone had have shouted ... Hey Alison, come back, i wouldnt have, because where I was at that time, nothing mattered, it was just 'peace' maybe it was heaven? I believe that Angels had wrapped their wings around me to make me better. Anyway, when i woke up from this experience, i miraculously started to get better, although it took about two years to fully recover, they said I 'probably' had pancreatitus, (amongst other stuff) they were not sure. My diet at that time was really bad, I was uneducated on food, and through all of this, not one doctor asked me about what i ate & didnt eat!!!!
So... here I am today, one very happy bunny, sharing positivity, blessed that my mum is still with us, and blessed that I found Juice Plus, as now I hope I can help others so they do not have to experience anything like this.
Note: Juice Plus do not make any medical claims. Juice plus is just the fuel at our bodies need to run smoothly, just like the fuel you put in your car!!
One of my big reasons for being a stay at home mum is because after my dad died, my mum had to work full time to look after us, so when i came home from school each day, there was nobody there. It wasnt an easy time, and my school experience became really horrible, and I left with just one exam result, O level art! So for me, no matter what, I had to be home for my kids when they came in school, and I can happily say, I have always been here. so again thanks to Juice Plus I can do this easily now, before that I just used to make things to sell, hence all my jewellery pages & stuff on here xxx
Please feel free to share my story, it may change someone's life  Alison Hamlin-Hughes

Friday 14 March 2014

Ulcerative Colitis / Crohn's / IBS & Juice Plus

Ulcerative Colitis / Crohn's / IBS & Juice Plus

Juice PLUS+: The Keys Towards Better Functioning Bowels!

Juice Plus+: Education and Support:
Wendy Campbell R.N.

I start people with any irritable bowel symptoms/Crohn’s/Ulcerative Colitis etc with Gummies first as they don’t have a lot of fiber. The antioxidant value in them starts to heal the bowel and then I gradually introduce the capsules with that fabulous thing – FIBER.

The American/Australian diet of processed food, too little fibre, erratic eating habits, medications, stress and disease slow down the peristaltic action of the GASTROINTESTINAL (GI) musculature resulting in 95% of our population leaning towards constipation and other GI conditions. And, it’s not just a problem with FEELING BAD since most of the nutrients consumed to FUEL OUR BODIES are absorbed in the small intestine.

When the intestine is “FULL”, it is difficult for the nutrients to climb through the “SLUDGE” to the side of the intestinal wall, connect to the blood stream then be whisked away and utilized by every cell in the body! Picture the intestinal track as a long tube stuffed with this “SLUDGE”. Then picture adding some FIBER, kind of like a “STEAM ENGINE”, to this blocked system. All of a sudden you may have PUFF, PUFF “SMOKE” coming up; puff, puff “smoke going down” and possibly a little cramping here and there.

Most people have little trouble adapting to Juice Plus+ and find that whether they tend towards “constipation” or “irritable bowel syndrome” (2 opposite sides of the spectrum of GI health) they enjoy “BETTER REGULARITY” quite soon. For some, however, this initial discomfort may lead to their wanting to just give up before the “engine” (fiber) has had a chance to do it’s job!

With education on the importance of bowel motility for proper absorption of nutrients and a sympathetic and knowledgeable ear, people will follow through on the steps to good health if you help them understand the “WHY” and the “RATIONALE” and SHARE a little guidance. Since it took a LONG time to get this intestinal system INTO this poor shape, it sometimes can take a few weeks or more to get the motility of the intestine back on track. The very FIBER IN THE “Juice Plus+” that appears to "cause” the problem of cramps, gas, etc. WILL EVENTUALLY BE THE CURE! However, “BOWEL TRAINING” is required to get the intestine moving properly.

When helping people with specific disease or long-term constipation we sometimes have to work harder at getting the system going! Most people would suggest going DOWN from 2 & 2 JuicePlus+ capsules to only 1 fruit & 1 vegetable capsule a day…but that is NOT going to solve the problem! SOLUTION: According to a number of experienced HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS, the best solution is to initially “DOSE” Juice Plus+ at intervals with “BOWEL TRAINING” the objective. Phenomenal results are achieved when accompanied by encouragement, guidance and compliance to this program for 2-3 weeks.

THE BOWEL TRAINING SYSTEM: Take 1 Juice Plus+ Fruit Capsule at breakfast, 1 Vegetable Capsule at lunch, 1 Vegetable Capsule at dinner and 1 Fruit Capsule before retiring for the evening. This gives a little "UMPH" of fiber bolus to the intestine at regular intervals and helps return proper peristaltic motion. Taken at regular time intervals with a little food and a lot of water, success is achieved 9.9 times out of 10!

Hope this Helps!
Wendy Campbell R.N.

Friday 27 December 2013

Stand Up & Dust Yourself Down ~ You Have To If You Want Get Get Back On Your Feet!!

A little inspiration & empowerment for anyone who's life went 'tits up' at some point.. A few years ago, I had a shop which I worked hard for & put my heart & soul into, I LOVED it, I was so proud of what I had a achieved. After 18 months, it all went pear shaped, through my own stupid choices at that time... I lost everything & more, spiralled into debt, lost my car, my shop, some treasured possessions, and even nearly lost our home. Downward spirals happen VERY fast!! I did wallow in self pity for a while, I manifested arthritis in my hands to hamper & blame myself even more, I felt like a failure and that I had let everyone down, everyone I loved. (tears while typing this lol) Then I learned about Law of Attraction, a little too late to recover my losses, but I learned how to face fear & pick myself back up again... and again.... and again, several business's I attempted failed, costing even more... money, heartache, pride.. Then one day, I met Susie Mitchell & Lynda Clarke, they told me about something called Juice Plus.. fruit & veg in capsules they told me!! Blimey, this sounds good, and even better, there was a business behind it!!!... if you have entrepreneur tendencies its hard to resist opportunities, Miles, my other half puts his head in his hands "what is she up to now, just another opportunity that I will have to pick up the pieces ... again" I could understand that, as he has done time & time again bless him. At the time, Susie had just achieved the position of Qualifying Marketing Director, WOW, I was in awe of this, sounded proper posh!! & she wanted ME in her business, with Lynda. OMG, It was only £65 to get started, I knew Miles wouldnt be impressed, but that he would support me anyway, so I took the plunge, with the lovely Lynda Clarke as my upline. And now, im reflecting (as you have probably guessed)... Its taken me 2 years, but after all the tough times & experiences I had to deal with, the fears, the failures, the ups & downs, the tears & frustrations, I stood up & dusted myself down, cleared out the negative crap in my mind, and am very proud to look back and see how far I have come, what I have achieved in the last 2 years, ive completely turned my life around, my arthritis has almost gone, thanks to the nutrition from our product, Im a Qualifying National Marketing Director with The Juice Plus Company for f**ks sake!!! With over 150 team members in my downlines, across UK, France, Spain, USA, Canada, Australia... ME, little Alison Hamlin-Hughes from Widnes. I have achieved this, who would have thought!! Why & how? because I learned to BELIEVE in myself, I learned how to HELP other people, I learned to SHARE my skills, I CARE about people, I took my power back, I have a brilliant team & amazing mentors. I hope that this little story will empower other people who feel that they have failed, to get back up, dust themselves down & turn their lives around too. If you want me to help you, just let me know... that is what I do!