Friday 12 November 2010

Deep Set Beliefs About Money... & EFT

At the moment I am working with an EFT program facilitated by Brad Yates and Joe Vitale, I am finding the effects quite fascinating, and also the realisations that have been put before me. The most significant being this... The very deep-set belief that 'Money is the root of all evil' now I am aware that the actual words in the bible are 'the love of money is the root of all evil', however, this was not the message that was portrayed to millions of us when we were young!
I sure hope that children are not told this anymore. Mine are certainly not being told this. I can remember as a kid being 'forced' to go to Sunday School, I never liked it, I had much better things in mind that I wanted to do, anyway, I can recall hearing the words 'money is the root of all evil' I remember it was a loud and powerful voice that spoke these words, quite a scary memory! All of this was a long long time ago, 40 odd years ago in fact, and I had not thought any more about it until I started this working with the 'Money Beyond Belief EFT program'. Brad & Joe talk about the effects of these powerful words have when they are imprinted in our minds, all these years on. When we are wanting money in our lives, even wanting money for all the right reasons, or even wanting the things that money can buy and not necessarily the money itself, our subconscious minds, without us realising it, will be thinking "Aha... Money Alert!!! we don't want any money, lets block all paths that lead to money coming in,... protect... protect... protect", because the subconscious mind will believe that if it lets money come to you, it will be allowing evil as well.. do you get the connection? So..... If we can get rid of that belief, which could be so deep inside you don't even know its there, we can stop the subconscious mind believing it is protecting you, and so letting money & abundance flow to you.
By using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) this 'blockage' can be worked on, and removed. And that is what this Money Beyond Belief program is all about. It also works on the belief that rich people are bad, which is what is portrayed in many films, eg Titanic, where the rich people are not nice and the poor people are really happy. There are more 'money blockers' which are discussed in the program, and included are EFT 'tap a longs' to work on these problem areas. The best thing about it is, we never think about  why we put money blockers up, (we don't even know that do it) and all of these issues are tackled, ...It's the best thing I have done in ages. Let me know if you join in the program, I would love to hear how you progress. We can compare notes & success stories! Here is the link if you wish to investigate further.... Money beyond Belief
Cheers everyone... Have an AMAZING day x

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