Friday 12 November 2010

An Interesting Phenomina & A Fun Experiment!

Some of you may have already noticed this, when you monitor it, you notice that most people you talk to do it!!
When you are talking to somebody about positivity and such like, somewhere in the conversation, they are highly like to say...
"I am a positive person" or "I'd like to think I have a positive outlook" which is really good, BUT, then they go on to say "Its just that blah blah  blah blah"  or "If only 'Bob'  (or sheila, or john or whatever) hadn't done that, or if they had done it different, then I would be positive, they come out with loads of reasons why they are not positive, and it is always somebody elses fault, or something elses fault why they are not positive right now, and then they start complaining about all sorts of things, All justifying reasons why they are usually positive but can't be right now!
Try this out this weekend and lets compare notes!!! Try and talk to ten different people about positivity, and monitor the response. Let me know as I find this very interesting!
Have a great weekend people
Smiles all round :)
Alison x
ARK = Acts of Random Kindness :)

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