Tuesday 1 February 2011

A walk In My Moccasins ~ In the Cheshire Countryside

 Well, a walk in my boots really!! I just thought is sounded a good title!

Today, instead of walking in the woods, which I absolutely love, I love to be around the trees, I love the air around them, the smell of them, the sounds of the leaves blowing in the breeze…. (that’s another story, getting side tracked already!) I went for a walk round the country lanes.
It’s a beautiful day, ive already done some of my networking work, ive done my daily EFT, I have had my nutritious green smoothie and am I feeling GREAT!
It’s amazing how things seem so much different when you feel good, im quite used to it now as I have been practising ‘feeling good’ for a while now: The more I feel good ,the more things I find to feel good about. J

Half way through my walk, I leaned on a gatepost, looking across the green fields, I can see our house in the distance ,up on the hill, and my thoughts immediately turn to appreciation of the beautiful place I live in.

The sky is blue with just the odd wispy cloud, I can hear the church bells ringing in the nearby village, the birds are singing like its summer, not earlyt February!
When you stop and listen to them, you just hear more and more different songs, I guess birds must be very happy creatures to sing all day just because they can. If you put your hands behind your ears and ‘cup’ your ears forwards it amazing how much more bird song you can hear.

There is a gentle wind blowing across the field, its feels very refreshing on my skin and I can feel the warmth of the Sun on my face. I close my eyes, breath, and embrace that feeling of natures pure energy, oneness,  In that moment feel love, appreciation, gratitude freedom, abundance, happiness….. I love my life and everyone and everything in it.
If I could bottle that feeling, I would love to share it with those who have never experienced such delights, what an amazing gift that would be.

I continue my walk, which takes me through the most picturesque 16th Century village, with its quaint little black & white cottages and some quite majestic houses. I notice lots of little green shoots on peoples plant pots, signs that Spring is on its way, new life, soon those little green shoots will be an abundance of fragrance and colour.
I love the way each cottage has a different style of front door, they all have really dinky and very ornate letter boxes (mailbox) where the mail drops straight into the living rooms, with their tiny leaded windows …. And lots of really old fashioned and very tall chimneys,  It’s a really pretty village, Im grateful to live close by
And to finish my walk off, at the bottom of the hill at the end of the village there is a really old (16th C) well, and it is believed that the spring water that constantly pours is healing water, people used to travel great distances to drink it .so I get a nice refreshing healing drink as well!
This walk has really energised and revitalised my system, I feel fantastic and full of gratitude that I have this abundance all around me, and feel a sense of achievement that I automatically notice all of the nice things now, all of the positive things without consciously trying too.
I am surrounding my self with positive & beautiful people, situations, circumstances, synchronicities and opportunities.
 Life is good … and its going to get even better!
Sending positive vibes to anyone who reads this
Alison x x

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