Friday 22 April 2011

Arizona Sunshine

Well they say its still quite cool here in Arizona at 90 degrees, flippin eck thats absolutelyy boiling to us Brits!! We are really loving this trip, its great to see my Auntie Eve, she is such a brave & special lady & my cousin carol is way cool.... we are defiantly kindred spirits :)
It was a long long flight, the first leg of the journey from Manchetser UK to New Jersey was fine, it was clear & we got some amazing ariel photos of Canada. A bit of a different story for the next leg! It took ages to collect & recheck our luggage and we had to run like the clappers to the other side of the airport to catch the connecting flight, i got so out of breath I thought I was gonna much for all my 'step aerobics' at the gym! Only to find the flight was delayed anyway... ho hum! The first flight was 8 hours, this 2nd flight was only supposed to be 5 and a bit hours, it seemed to just go on & on & on & on and was cloudy all the way across America so we couldnt wee anything, it seemed to take loads longer than expected, then we found out that we had been on a big diversion around Wisconsin because of all the freaky weather, our total flight time was almost 16 hours!! We still have huge baggy eyes now 3 days later lol .
On our first day carol drove us to a shopping mall, Tasha was in her element, she loves shopping & the clothes shops are much nicer here, the shop assistants are so polite & helpful. We should take a few tips off them for our shops in uk!
The second day we spent most of it sitting round Auntie Eves swimming pool, it made me miss Jacy so much, she would absolutely love it here, she would be in the pool from morning till night without a doubt!! We went shopping again in downtown Chandler, there was a lovely little outdoor market, there was a man paying a guitar, he started singing "Alison", by Elvis Costello while we were there... made me smile inside :) there were some beautiful classy gift shops too.
We spent the evening back at Auntie Eves, chatting about when I was a little girl, it's funny to hear the stories she remembers about me lol... Tasha thought it was well funny that when I was about 5 years old I used to sit on the toilet and sing to auntie eve about what I had been doing throughout the day lol....
Our sleep patterns have been all over he place, but last night we finally slept right through for about 7 hours, hopefully my new 'eye bags' will go down now.... they are that big I could fit my shopping in them hahahahaha
Oh.. I just remembered, we went to a farmers market type supermarket, & I know now why it is so difficult to stick to a 'raw food' lifestyle in UK, we only have about a third of the fruit & veg that they have here in the US, there was loads of things that I have never even heard of, and all the stuff we have to send off for , like bee pollen and some of the oils are available in abundance, and as well, we pay about one pound & 50 pence ($2.50) just for ONE mango at home, here you can get 5 mango's for less than one dollar!!!! it was a fascinating and eye opening experience. And the American carrots are about 18" long lol, they look really weird!
This morning we are going horse riding at Ponderosa Stables, I think that is near south mountain?? I will let you all know how that goes, and hopefully get to post some photo's up soon.
I'm off to get a coffee and sit outside by the pool while the sun comes up
Have an amazing day everyone..... I sure will!!
Bye for now
Alison - Entrepreneuress Extraordinaire :)

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