Sunday 5 June 2011

Forgiveness by Mike 'Wandering Spirit' Holden

Forgiveness is so underrated and misunderstood. Often folk think by saying 'i forgive you' that they are letting somebody off with having caused a hurtful action. Forgiveness isn't just about 'letting somebody off the hook' so to speak. 
Forgiveness is about releasing all your negativity that a wrong or hurtful action has caused. One should ask do you feel when you say you can't or refuse to forgive someone? How angry and hurt do you feel inside? How is that helping with your healing? Frankly, it doesn't. It sits there and eats away at you. It is a black cloud of negativity that drowns you and clouds your view of your life and people. My friends, forgiveness isn't about the other person, it is about you. It is about how it makes you feel. It is about positivity, about light, colour and love. It is about you as you are the most precious person there is. 
Your life is your journey, your story and you are the creator. You choose your happiness...or sadness. It is how you choose to allow other influences to make you feel. Forgive is not to make you forgot but to enable you to live, truly live.

Huge thanks to Mike 'Wandering Spirit' Holden for his kind and much appreciated contribution


  1. It's an honour to have you post this Alison and indeed an honour to be your friend :-) x

  2. Likewise Mike, & thank you for writing the post. Maybe you could write some more inspiring words I could post.... :) x

  3. A chat with my dad is always the easiest and best way to put the world right again, this is one of many reasons why. With never a negative thing to say, the positivity flows from him even over the phone. Always there with the best advice, advice that i've passed onto friends because it always helped me, simple though it always is, be positive. That's my dad and my little girl's grandad and there's nobody i'd put in his place. I love my dad and i want the rest of the world to know it, to know that i'm proud to call you my dad. My best friend lost her mum several days ago, life is too short for unhappiness and for saying i'll do it another day, you may not be around then. So i say it one more time, i love you dad and molly does too, she will be a proud granddaugher as she grows up, as i am now. Must stop waffling. Nice piece of writing dad.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
