Ulcerative Colitis / Crohn's / IBS & Juice Plus
Juice PLUS+: The Keys Towards Better Functioning Bowels!
Juice Plus+: Education and Support:
Wendy Campbell R.N.
I start people with any irritable bowel symptoms/Crohn’s/Ulcerative Colitis etc with Gummies first as they don’t have a lot of fiber. The antioxidant value in them starts to heal the bowel and then I gradually introduce the capsules with that fabulous thing – FIBER.
The American/Australian diet of processed food, too little fibre, erratic eating habits, medications, stress and disease slow down the peristaltic action of the GASTROINTESTINAL (GI) musculature resulting in 95% of our population leaning towards constipation and other GI conditions. And, it’s not just a problem with FEELING BAD since most of the nutrients consumed to FUEL OUR BODIES are absorbed in the small intestine.
When the intestine is “FULL”, it is difficult for the nutrients to climb through the “SLUDGE” to the side of the intestinal wall, connect to the blood stream then be whisked away and utilized by every cell in the body! Picture the intestinal track as a long tube stuffed with this “SLUDGE”. Then picture adding some FIBER, kind of like a “STEAM ENGINE”, to this blocked system. All of a sudden you may have PUFF, PUFF “SMOKE” coming up; puff, puff “smoke going down” and possibly a little cramping here and there.
Most people have little trouble adapting to Juice Plus+ and find that whether they tend towards “constipation” or “irritable bowel syndrome” (2 opposite sides of the spectrum of GI health) they enjoy “BETTER REGULARITY” quite soon. For some, however, this initial discomfort may lead to their wanting to just give up before the “engine” (fiber) has had a chance to do it’s job!
With education on the importance of bowel motility for proper absorption of nutrients and a sympathetic and knowledgeable ear, people will follow through on the steps to good health if you help them understand the “WHY” and the “RATIONALE” and SHARE a little guidance. Since it took a LONG time to get this intestinal system INTO this poor shape, it sometimes can take a few weeks or more to get the motility of the intestine back on track. The very FIBER IN THE “Juice Plus+” that appears to "cause” the problem of cramps, gas, etc. WILL EVENTUALLY BE THE CURE! However, “BOWEL TRAINING” is required to get the intestine moving properly.
When helping people with specific disease or long-term constipation we sometimes have to work harder at getting the system going! Most people would suggest going DOWN from 2 & 2 JuicePlus+ capsules to only 1 fruit & 1 vegetable capsule a day…but that is NOT going to solve the problem! SOLUTION: According to a number of experienced HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS, the best solution is to initially “DOSE” Juice Plus+ at intervals with “BOWEL TRAINING” the objective. Phenomenal results are achieved when accompanied by encouragement, guidance and compliance to this program for 2-3 weeks.
THE BOWEL TRAINING SYSTEM: Take 1 Juice Plus+ Fruit Capsule at breakfast, 1 Vegetable Capsule at lunch, 1 Vegetable Capsule at dinner and 1 Fruit Capsule before retiring for the evening. This gives a little "UMPH" of fiber bolus to the intestine at regular intervals and helps return proper peristaltic motion. Taken at regular time intervals with a little food and a lot of water, success is achieved 9.9 times out of 10!
Hope this Helps!
Wendy Campbell R.N.
I start people with any irritable bowel symptoms/Crohn’s/Ulcerative Colitis etc with Gummies first as they don’t have a lot of fiber. The antioxidant value in them starts to heal the bowel and then I gradually introduce the capsules with that fabulous thing – FIBER.

When the intestine is “FULL”, it is difficult for the nutrients to climb through the “SLUDGE” to the side of the intestinal wall, connect to the blood stream then be whisked away and utilized by every cell in the body! Picture the intestinal track as a long tube stuffed with this “SLUDGE”. Then picture adding some FIBER, kind of like a “STEAM ENGINE”, to this blocked system. All of a sudden you may have PUFF, PUFF “SMOKE” coming up; puff, puff “smoke going down” and possibly a little cramping here and there.
Most people have little trouble adapting to Juice Plus+ and find that whether they tend towards “constipation” or “irritable bowel syndrome” (2 opposite sides of the spectrum of GI health) they enjoy “BETTER REGULARITY” quite soon. For some, however, this initial discomfort may lead to their wanting to just give up before the “engine” (fiber) has had a chance to do it’s job!
With education on the importance of bowel motility for proper absorption of nutrients and a sympathetic and knowledgeable ear, people will follow through on the steps to good health if you help them understand the “WHY” and the “RATIONALE” and SHARE a little guidance. Since it took a LONG time to get this intestinal system INTO this poor shape, it sometimes can take a few weeks or more to get the motility of the intestine back on track. The very FIBER IN THE “Juice Plus+” that appears to "cause” the problem of cramps, gas, etc. WILL EVENTUALLY BE THE CURE! However, “BOWEL TRAINING” is required to get the intestine moving properly.
When helping people with specific disease or long-term constipation we sometimes have to work harder at getting the system going! Most people would suggest going DOWN from 2 & 2 JuicePlus+ capsules to only 1 fruit & 1 vegetable capsule a day…but that is NOT going to solve the problem! SOLUTION: According to a number of experienced HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS, the best solution is to initially “DOSE” Juice Plus+ at intervals with “BOWEL TRAINING” the objective. Phenomenal results are achieved when accompanied by encouragement, guidance and compliance to this program for 2-3 weeks.
THE BOWEL TRAINING SYSTEM: Take 1 Juice Plus+ Fruit Capsule at breakfast, 1 Vegetable Capsule at lunch, 1 Vegetable Capsule at dinner and 1 Fruit Capsule before retiring for the evening. This gives a little "UMPH" of fiber bolus to the intestine at regular intervals and helps return proper peristaltic motion. Taken at regular time intervals with a little food and a lot of water, success is achieved 9.9 times out of 10!
Hope this Helps!
Wendy Campbell R.N.