My Story
A Tribute to Dr Wayne Dyer ~
The story behind the Book of Blessings
I created a Facebook group in 2009 when I first learned that Dr Wayne Dyer had dis-ease in his body, I wanted to gather together a group of healers to send some healing energy his way, anyway, I thought I would get about 100 members, but I actually ended up with nearly 5000 members!!!!
Lots of people left lovely messages on the group ‘wall’ for Dr Dyer, which was great…. I was really pleased, and quite moved by the heart felt energy of these messages. Then I learned that Wayne doesn’t use computers, which left me with a bit of a problem!! I had gathered all these lovely messages but realised that Wane wasnt going to see them. It was really important to me, as the creator of the group to make sure that Wayne got to read every message….. so I had to devise a plan…..
After much deliberation, I decided that I would make a hard copy of the messages from the group pages, and post them of to Wayne.
This turned out to be a major feat, I hadn’t realised just how many messages there were…… I still don’t know how many, but it amounted to 65 A4 pages!!!!
I copied and pasted every single message, and manually inputted everybodies name next to their message, I left them all as they were, spelling mistakes and all, because I thought that would be more ‘human’ when he read it.
About half way through all this, on December 10th, I had to go into hospital for a major, but common operation that kept me off my feet for 6 weeks. So I sort of left the book to one side for a while, this interupted my flow somewhat!
After I recovered from this little ‘blip’ I got engrossed in completing the book again. Most of the messages were already copied and pasted into a word document, so I only needed to make a cover, and and intro page.
I got all that sorted and used a lovely photo which one of the group members had created, it is of healing hands surrounding Wayne, it really is lovely, (and a great big thank you for that)
I began to print out all of the pages, using just a normal desk top printer, so you can imagine that this took ages & ages….. I gathered all the pages together and took them off to a local printer who spiral bound them all for me. He messed up a bit as he punched the holes wrong and had to chop a bit off the bottom of the pages to line them up again.. grrrr AND he used blue to bind it with and the text on the cover is purple…. Ho Hum, at least it was ‘a book’ now. I was a little disappointed in one way, as it didn’t look how i imagined it to look, but it was complete.
I bought a big bright red padded envelope for it, I figured it would get noticed more and there would be less change of it getting lost in the post. WRONG!!!! I had decided to send it to Wayne via Hay House in USA.
Even after paying about £4 ($7) extra for registered post, I found out afterwards that the tracking number for international registered shipping can ONLY be traced while the parcel is in UK!!! So as soon as it leave the UK shores it is in the hands of a different courier, who will only collect a signature at the delivery point, if the parcel doesn’t get that far then it’s ‘lost’ which seems to be what happened. I posted it on 2nd Feb and by 2nd May it had still not been signed for.
I decided, that all these messages still had to be delivered to Wayne, so I set about to make a second copy. I had lots of people asking if I could add their messages to it, but alas, I had little time to add anything else to it as I had become quite busy with my teaching work, so I reprinted the original only this time with a better cover

While all this was going on, I was trying to find a safe way to get the 2nd issue to Wayne, and as if by magic, a lovely lady called Barbara who works with Wayne at the I Can Do It Conferences said if I sent it to her in New York, she would take it with her to the conference in Toronto at the end of May 2010, and personally hand the book to him, AND hopefully get pictures of him receiving it… WOW, how amazing is that!!
Its now 12th May and the book was posted yesterday, so its probably at an airport now waiting to zoom off to New York…… This is all so exciting

I will update this page as and when I get any news so please keep checking back.
My thanks go out to each and everyone of you who has been involved.
A copy of the book can be downloaded here ~ Its free!

This is an update on Dr dyers health from one of the group members......
ReplyDeleteaw Wayne here in Fort Lauderdale last week, and briefly shook hands. He has been in town celebrating Skye's wedding, and then preparing for the Hay House cruise. His health is good, and he is strong and the same old Wayne. This is our 3rd meeting since 2006. He is strong, and thriving, and stated with his new healing via a Nurse Practioner he met during a walk in Maui the exact same day he received his diagnosis..his blood tests are healing and 2 of the markers have returned to normal already. This is brilliant news!!