Showing posts with label Travel Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel Blog. Show all posts

Sunday 17 April 2011

Travel notes to myself ~ Alisons list of Do's & Dont's

  1. Check check double & treble check my travel documents, check them again, then ask Miles to double check them!
  2. Make sure I know how far away from the airport I am, after our escapade in Barcelona! I thought the airport was only a few miles away, when in actual fact it was about 90 km up the Spanish coast, with an hour left till our flight leaves, and almost an hours drive away.... so one long terror taxi ride later and a £140 taxi bill OUCH!.... we JUST got on the plane.  Needless to say, I booked this trip ~ sorry Miles!!
  3. Make sure I am actually traveling in the right direction, after a trip to see my friends Nicky & Andy in Stratford upon Avon, I ended up traveling south by train instead of North, totally oblivious of what had happened, it seems I missed my 'change over' at Birmingham, I don't know how I missed that, I must have blinked or something lol, anyway, I was lucky enough to get a train that took me within about 20 miles from home, but had to drag Miles out of the pub to come and collect me.... once again, Sorry Miles LOL
  4. When out on the hotel balcony, DON'T under any circumstances shut the door behind me. On the night before we got married back in 2002, we were out on our balcony of The Inn on Oak Creek in Sedona, when tried to go back inside to get something I found that the door was locked behind us, it must have locked itself, I didn't lock it,(honest) but it WAS me who shut the door! .it was late, the temperature was dropping quickly, we were high up and we had no key, no one was around. Thoughts of missing our wedding the next day drifted through my mind, as Miles tried to break in through a small window, with no avail, the tears began and I can remember miles infamous words "well crying isnt gonna help is is" for some reason I tried the door handle again, which after all the tears & distress, was actually open .... oops, Sorry Miles hahaha seems so funny now!
  5. Don't play in lifts that say 'Out Of Order' after getting stuck in a lift in Spain, i was only young but the lift stopped at the point where my eyes where on level with the floor and all I could see was peoples feet walking past through the elevator window, I was only young, and terrified, as was my mum when she couldnt find me anywhere. I got found after about 30 mins, which felt like a whole day!!
  6. When tempted to have an impromptu go on a slide, make sure there isnt a swimming pool at the bottom of it.... long story!!!
  7. Take every 'unintended diversion' when driving as an adventure, I am bound to come across something I was meant to see if I take a wrong turn.
  8. Remember that when using iphone as a sat nav, there is not likely to be a signal in the Arizona desert, so take a paper map too.
  9. Make sure Tasha (my 15 year old daughter who is traveling with me) realises that even though I am 48 years old, I still like sitting next to the window on the plane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I must not take my purple crocs & rainbow jumper to America with me (I might hide them at the bottom of my case :)
  11. Remember as we drive across the desert, we are not Thelma & Louise, we are Alison & Tasha!!!
Well, I think that is enough rules for now, gosh , Im going on Tuesday morning, guess I had better start packing!!!!
Watch out for the next installment :)
Me & Tasha.... or is it Thelma & Louise

Friday 15 April 2011

Travel Adventures Ahead...My Journal begins!

Entrepreneuress On The Road!
For the next few weeks I will be posting blog notes daily as I travel to USA with my 14 year old daughter.
We leave on Tuesday on the first leg of our exciting journey. Phoenix is the first port of call where we are staying with my lovely Auntie Eve, a very very special lady. Auntie Eve is the last surviving member of my Dad's family (apart from cousins) We have a very special connection & I can't wait to see her again. Also my cousin Carol, what an amazing person, she is my 'Sista-friend' loads & loads of fun, and free spirited just like me. My cousin Paul, a fellow 'biker' who I havent seen in years and years n years, hopefully he will be flying in from Texas to spend some time with us, can't wait to hear some of the tales he has to tell!! My cousin Karen who lives up in the White Mountains, I love hearing her memories of when she came to visit us in UK when I was about 13.... And all their children too.... I have so many relatives over there Ive lost count lol.

We will also be staying in Sedona for a few days, maybe a visit to the ghost town of Jerome, then a stay over by The Grand Canyon, Back to Phoenix, then a couple of days in New York en route home.
This is going to be an amazing adventure, Im really excited, especially for Tasha as this is her first trip stateside.
If you want to follow our adventure, and see the photos, follow my blog, here or on facebook.