Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Sunday 13 July 2014

The Truth About Coconuts!

Top 10 Health Benefits of Coconuts
  1. Supports immune system health: it is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasite
  2. Provides a natural source of quick energy and enhances physical and athletic performance
  3. Improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals
  4. Improves insulin secretion and symptoms associated with diabetes
  5. Helps protect the body from cancers due to insulin reduction, removal of free radicals that cause premature aging and degenerative disease
  6. Reduces risk of heart health and improves good cholesterol (HDL)
  7. Restores and supports thyroid function
  8. Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infection
  9. Promotes weight loss
  10. Helps keep hair and skin healthy and youthful looking, prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, and provides sun protection

Saturday 10 May 2014

Prevention of Illness & Disease is a Lifestyle Choice ~ My Story

Why 'PREVENTION' of illness is important to me. On the pic you can see my mum & dad, me & my brother. When I was 12 years old, my mum got breast cancer, 6 month later my dad got stomach cancer, my mum survived but my dad died when I was just 13, he was 41 years old. I was told because of family history I had a '1 in 3' chance of getting breast cancer, and then after genetic testing they said I had a '1 in 2' chance of getting bowel cancer. I do not believe this any more!! I want to make sure I am around for much longer for my family, Juice Plus fuels my body with nutrition so I am much less likely to develop dis-ease, my cells are healthy, I trust juice plus more than i trust the doctors a follow on to all of this, I found a lump and had a mammogram & a biopsy, it turned out to be a cyst but the biopsy caused the puss to leak into my system & i got septicaemia, was really poorly, and they found 3 other small lumps which I had removed, all benign, and then had polyps removed from my bowel.... but all that is history now, im fighting fit & hoping my story will help others,
I didnt know about Juice Plus at this time, maybe if I had I would'nt have got so ill, I actually had a 'near death experience' I can remember that all the pain went away completely, (all my organs were poisoned with the septicaemia) i felt like i was floating on a fluffy cloud, it was the most serene experience I have ever had, i was 'floating away' and if someone had have shouted ... Hey Alison, come back, i wouldnt have, because where I was at that time, nothing mattered, it was just 'peace' maybe it was heaven? I believe that Angels had wrapped their wings around me to make me better. Anyway, when i woke up from this experience, i miraculously started to get better, although it took about two years to fully recover, they said I 'probably' had pancreatitus, (amongst other stuff) they were not sure. My diet at that time was really bad, I was uneducated on food, and through all of this, not one doctor asked me about what i ate & didnt eat!!!!
So... here I am today, one very happy bunny, sharing positivity, blessed that my mum is still with us, and blessed that I found Juice Plus, as now I hope I can help others so they do not have to experience anything like this.
Note: Juice Plus do not make any medical claims. Juice plus is just the fuel at our bodies need to run smoothly, just like the fuel you put in your car!!
One of my big reasons for being a stay at home mum is because after my dad died, my mum had to work full time to look after us, so when i came home from school each day, there was nobody there. It wasnt an easy time, and my school experience became really horrible, and I left with just one exam result, O level art! So for me, no matter what, I had to be home for my kids when they came in school, and I can happily say, I have always been here. so again thanks to Juice Plus I can do this easily now, before that I just used to make things to sell, hence all my jewellery pages & stuff on here xxx
Please feel free to share my story, it may change someone's life  Alison Hamlin-Hughes

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Do You Remember Being Made To Write 100 Lines in School?

I was thinking about this subject while on a very relaxing train journey just the other day. From all the learning and personal development I have been doing over the last couple of years, I am very aware of how powerful positive affirmations are. My main 'inspire-res' are Wayne Dyer & Louise hay when it comes to affirmation stuff, and I am so grateful to them for sharing their knowledge with me & the rest of the World.
Affirmations are powerful even if you just keep thinking them, but if you write them down they become even more powerful, it reiterates the thought, because you have focused enough to write the words down, and now you can see the words as well, read them out loud, and then you can hear them too, can you see why it is more powerful?
While I was thinking about the affirmations my mind wandered off to my school days, which were certainly not the best days of my life (another story there!!) going back to  junior school, I can remember on several occasions have to write 'lines' do you remeber them? If we were 'naughty' we had to write out 100 times, something along the lines of " I must not daydream" (as if that was naughty!!!!)(Ask Steven Spielberg lol)      "I must not speak unless spoken too"    A very old fashioned thing, BUT, it is what we got taught as kids in those days (Im only 50 by the way). The teacher probably meant for us not to speak  in the class room, but the words would always be remebered by the child, and they would have written it down (which means they have thought it & seen it) ONE HUNDRED times, can you just imagine how powerful that is? and the effect it would have on the child every time he or she wanted to say something or ask for something, those words would their in the subconsious.... stopping them speaking out (anyone with thyroid problems!!!!).
I started to think then, that if some kids had been given 100 lines, something like....
"I don't deserve....................... OMG How damaging would be!  When we say/see/hear something over and over like that, it becomes a belief, and that is the 'truth' that we live by forever, unless we become aware of it and begin to consciously change it.  Your conscious mind may not be aware these old negative affirmations any more , but your sub-conscious mind sure as hell is! And that is what led me to write this blog post..
Can you remember what '100 lines' you ever wrote at school?  Let me know, im very interested in any feedback here.
Thank heavens for therapies like EFT that we can use to reverse these limiting beliefs!
I hope this post inspires some of you to reflect on any limiting believes, or false premises you may have, and start to clear them away.... moving forwards
Don't forget to let me know what your '100 lines' where (if you have any of course!)
Bye for now ((((Smiles)))))
Alison x

Thursday 4 October 2012

Does Your Business Travel With You? This Entrepreneuress Is On Her Travels Again!

Well Im packing up my stuff ready to spend the weekend in Amsterdam ~ Ahhhh heaven!!!
The best thing is, I can take my Juice Plus business with me, with JUST my mobile phone I can carry on as usual, showing people the wellness presentation, processing orders ect... so it just goes to show, you don't have to be sitting in an office or at home to run your business.
With Juice Plus, you can work anywhere anytime, and be safe in the knowledge that you are helping other people get healthy in the process ~ Dont you just love that, I know I do!!
See you in Amsterdam!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Put Your Business In Your Suitcase & Travel ~ Woo Hoo

Ive not written this blog for a while, but felt inspired to revitalize it today and tell you all about my mega exciting plans.

Its great when you can 'put your business in your pocket' and take it traveling with you! The combination of my JuicePlus business and my Free Spirited nature allows me to do just that!

Exciting news today ~ I have just confirmed that I am DEFINITELY going to Arizona again this year. This time im really going to feel the heat as am going in peak season.... woooo hoooooo roll on sunshine & blue skies. cant wait to see my lovely family over there.
It will also be my son's 18th so we are planning a Road Trip to celebrate that... not sure where yet but we have a few ideas :) Starting in Phoenix...

Its easy to travel when you work from your laptop!! tFind out how you can join my team ....