Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Thursday 4 October 2012

Does Your Business Travel With You? This Entrepreneuress Is On Her Travels Again!

Well Im packing up my stuff ready to spend the weekend in Amsterdam ~ Ahhhh heaven!!!
The best thing is, I can take my Juice Plus business with me, with JUST my mobile phone I can carry on as usual, showing people the wellness presentation, processing orders ect... so it just goes to show, you don't have to be sitting in an office or at home to run your business.
With Juice Plus, you can work anywhere anytime, and be safe in the knowledge that you are helping other people get healthy in the process ~ Dont you just love that, I know I do!!
See you in Amsterdam!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Put Your Business In Your Suitcase & Travel ~ Woo Hoo

Ive not written this blog for a while, but felt inspired to revitalize it today and tell you all about my mega exciting plans.

Its great when you can 'put your business in your pocket' and take it traveling with you! The combination of my JuicePlus business and my Free Spirited nature allows me to do just that!

Exciting news today ~ I have just confirmed that I am DEFINITELY going to Arizona again this year. This time im really going to feel the heat as am going in peak season.... woooo hoooooo roll on sunshine & blue skies. cant wait to see my lovely family over there.
It will also be my son's 18th so we are planning a Road Trip to celebrate that... not sure where yet but we have a few ideas :) Starting in Phoenix...

Its easy to travel when you work from your laptop!! tFind out how you can join my team ....